Wednesday, June 6, 2007

‘Oh hullo thar!’- Mentally Challenged Roomate

I sit outside, writing this. It’s a brilliantly warm day, with large, puffy clouds, floating overhead, taking turns dimming out the sun for a scant few minutes before receding from its blazing crown of glory. Having been encouraged on several fronts to once more metaphorically put quill to paper, I’m considering once again recording my thoughts, impressions, or whatever I damned well feel like in a public space, open to all eyes that care look this way. I assure you gentle reader that I truly am attempting to make this sound other than the ridiculous prose so encouraged and devoured by the multitude of insipid professors I’ve left behind, but four rigorous years of training to write pure bullshit is consequently not a skill easily dismissed. Bare with me, or don’t, but I’ll be overcoming this handicap as I’ve conquered so many others over the past year.

Now I’m left with little to say, at least immediately so. The point had been made before that we have decades of personal experiences, stories, interests, and skills developed. How is it then that we can run out of things to say? An interesting point I agree, there is always something to add, but it can be difficult to maintain a verbal presence in a topical conversation. Alas the perennial choices available to us is as ever , religion, politics, and sex. Although the initial has been of great interest to me, the appeal has since waned as I’ve developed something of a more personal religion. In effect, it can be boiled down to the slogan “God helps those who help themselves.” Now a nudge is appreciated here and there but problems generally don’t disappear unless you just happen to outlive them, not something always an option. Hell, as I’m writing this sprinkler company people have arrived to investigate our damaged pipes. I’ll spare you the details, just another mundanity in a long road of such things that comprise the many little details of everyday life.

Politics, although formerly my concentration of study, has also waned as a prevailing interest. There are countless political blogs out there that cover in much greater depth than I care to provide the myriad catastrophe’s crises and personal mishaps of your political region of choice. I’m more than capable to hold an intellectual discourse on any of a variety of topics of international concern, but in this instance, the flesh is capable but the spirit is unwilling.
That brings us to everyone’s favorite, sex. Now naturally this is certainly a topic of interest to me, it’s a biological imperative. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying, but you don’t need me to tell you that, do you? In some ways its been the catalyst that began me down the path of my personal enlightenment, beginning to give me that purpose I always thought I had but lacked. Sex too however isn’t what we’ll be speaking about… today anyway.
In the end I reserve the right to be as kind, slanderous, or otherwise and speak about any subject of interest to me at any given moment. If you’ve come here for a racy blog about my exploits, or the thrill of living vicariously through me, leave now, this isn’t for you. Although such things may end up on here eventually, you’ll be sifting through a lot of dross for that particular gold. This is something of a public journal, most simply because I don’t care whether anyone reads this or not, but perhaps they may find something here to benefit themselves, or even to give back to me. I endeavor to entertain…NOT.

For the time being at least, I’m outclassed. You’ll find lots of better conjecture and perhaps less streams of consciousness at other blogs, like ‘Be A Man’. Perhaps this little blog will find a purpose… perhaps not. Who can tell? Now enough with my little pre-amble to myself and the intraweb.

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