Sunday, September 30, 2007

Possibility's Mind (Part 2) "Different Strokes For Different Folks"

Before I began my professional school career (an interesting choice of words), I had found a great balance in my life. I was achieving or well on the way to achieving almost all of my personal goals.

Then came the Great Interrupt. Law School began. Personal (and social life) fell by the wayside in the pursuit of excellence. What I had developed out of my life was not necessarily the best strategy for dealing with professional school so I’ve had to adapt significantly. Even now I am constantly fine tuning my approach. Hopefully I’ll have more on the experience of walking into school with vastly different personalities over the course of several weeks when I have more time to write. If theres interest, express it, and I will generate the time to elaborate.

The social connections have been exceedingly superficial. Referring to my friend again, there is a “False Camaraderie” in this setting. Somewhat irksome when the only interests my colleagues have been expressing are sleeping and studying. Admittedly the workload is impressively intense, but it is somewhat disconcerting how quickly everyone has abandoned the interests that individualize them. Although things have been going just fine on a superficial social level, I’ll be the first to admit that the lack of connection on a deeper level is somewhat disruptive to my preferred means of communication. I’ve begun exploring alternatives of which you’ll hear details eventually. As a commuter school, we all head in, serve our time, return home and prepare for the next day. We generate a few minor social events, but little to solidify us as anything more than the same faces every day.

If I want more, the burden is on me. I’ve been happily weighing ladening myself like a pack mule with all the personal and professional challenges in my present because I know I can handle them. Whats one more?

Admittedly its exceedingly difficult when other people are not inclined to meet you halfway. As something of a student of communications and behavior however, I know that to get is to give, and the bar has been set much higher than randomly meeting someone new in a train station.

It’s a challenge, and challenges interest me.
The biggest issue however is time management, and by prioritizing everything, it is not very high in the queue. However it is something worth exploring, and learning how to establish highly successful communication and connection in this different environment should be an interesting exploration.

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